Our Top 20 Dog Names
Naming Your Dog Does it matter what you name your dog? Your dog may or may not have an opinion, but here are a few things to consider before naming your dog. You will say this name many times over the 10-15 years of your dog’s life. You will say it in public as well….
How to Remove a Tick
Even though tick rhymes with ick, don’t ignore them just because they are gross. Prevent them if you can because ticks can carry diseases that affect both humans and animals alike. Prevention! We encourage all pets to be protected against ticks using a product such as Frontline, Nexgard, Revolution and the like. These are given…
What Is Something You Won’t Ever See Again?
Albino Barred Owl In over 20 years of Dr. Cherney’s work and over 30 years of Linda Nebbe’s wildlife rehab work, neither woman has seen an albino owl. Albinism (having a lack of pigment) in wildlife is rare. This is a true treat to be able to work with such a beauty. Whooo knows…
Great Names for Pets
Obviously our profession introduces us to lots and lots of four-legged friends. Some have pretty unusual names. And most names seem to come with great stories so here are a few behind our own pets’ names. No laughing. Or judging. We think they are great names for pets. Obviously! Lori Cherney, DVM One of our…
Cute Emergency: Baby Squirrel Edition
It doesn’t get much cuter than a baby squirrel. No, wait, feeding a baby squirrel is even better! One of our staff, Rachel Shadle, is a licensed wildlife rehabber with the Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project. Rachel is currently caring for a 5 week old baby Jack Squirrel, otherwise known as an American Red…
Every Day Should Be Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day, we would like to highlight a very special organization right here in the Cedar Valley that is making a difference in the lives of soldiers, both 2 and 4 legged. Retrieving Freedom is a non-profit group that trains service dogs to assist veterans. They are based in two locations, one being…
How to Pill a Cat
Confidence, patience, and optimism are key factors in this process. Realize this is new for you both and may take a few tries until you get the hang of it. We are happy to answer your questions and offer free training for our clients. Our step-by-step pictorial and video below are great places to start….
Did You Bring a Stool Sample Today?
When we ask if you brought a stool sample, is your first thought, “Crap, I forgot it!” (No pun intended. Well, maybe.) Our fascination with your pet’s poop is more about your safety and your pet’s health than anything else. We do get a kick out of the cute bags and containers you bring them…
Read Our Staff’s Disaster Preparedness Plans
In thinking of disaster preparedness, we all are pet owners just like you. As staff of a veterinary hospital, we feel we can’t just “talk the talk,” we need to be able to “walk the walk.” We’ve asked our staff about their own disaster plans in case of fire, flood or tornado, and wanted to…