
What Should You Do If You Find a Baby Rabbit?

With spring in full bloom, we have lots of little creatures running around.  We recently had this little bun-bun in the office for treatment.  What should you do if you come across a baby rabbit?  There are many myths out there, so let’s clear a few of these up.  Our pointers will help you help…

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To Buy or Not to Buy, That Is the Question!

Where Can I Buy a Dog? This may surprise you, but one question we have trouble answering is “Do you know where I can buy a (insert your favorite dog breed here)?” Why is this question difficult? One reason is the American Kennel Club recognizes 178 breeds! Knowing responsible breeders for all these choices is…

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I have worked in a veterinary clinic for almost 10 years.  I am also a pet owner and have had my share of problems.  I want the issue fixed, but truth be told, I’m a bit lazy.  I want a shot or pill or something to happen magically. On top of it all, I feel…

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Saw-Whet Owl

We had the pleasure of checking out this spunky little Saw-whet owl.  These are very small owls with big heads and large yellow eyes.  As you can see from these pictures they are personality plus.  This is an adult Saw-whet, but we aren’t sure whether male or female. The owl was hit by a car…

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Pets and Halloween: Put Yourself in Their Paws

As humans, we get caught up in the costumes, the candy, and the pumpkin spiced lattes, but what about pets and Halloween?  If you were to get down on all fours and look around on Halloween night from their angle, what would you see? A Dog’s Perspective on Halloween Cool!  They left me a big…

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Introducing Your Pet to a New Baby

What joy and excitement a new baby brings!  But, how does your pet feel about it?  He may have mixed feelings about the new bundle of joy.  Keep your pet in mind as you transition to life with baby. This handout on introducing your pet to a new baby  has some great tips. The Family Paws…

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Toxic Foods and Household Hazards: What You Need to Know

This chart below highlights a few toxic foods you might not realize are bad for your dog (and many of these go for cats as well). We know the graphic doesn’t share “how much” and “how bad” and the reason for that is–it depends. How much did your pet eat, how much does your pet…

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Meet Dr. Tom Taylor’s New Puppy!

  Den Herder Veterinary Hospital has a new four-legged family member! Meet Dr. Tom Taylor’s new puppy, Jade, a 4 month old Vizsla. Let’s see how the new dad and family are getting along. Tell us about the name Jade? My wife has always liked the name. We had it picked out for a daughter,…

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Duck, Duck, Trumpeter Swan?

Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project  brought in a Trumpeter Swan to Dr. Cherney on January 29, 2013.  The bird was thin, very droopy and had some balance issues.  Interesting to note, the grey color of this typically brilliant white bird is not actually dirt—it is the young age.  He (or she) will get to that…

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Juvenile Eagle Found in Wapsie River

Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation brought in a Bald Eagle on Monday.  This eagle is approximately 3 years of age.  This guesstimate is based on the lack of white feathering on his head.  The white feathers we traditionally associate with Bald Eagles don’t start to develop until 4 or so years of age.  He weighs about…

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