About DHVH

Whooo is this?

Dr. Cherney is treating a baby Great Horned Owl, less than 6 weeks old, and we couldn’t resist sharing some pictures.  Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project staff brought in this little guy after a recent wind storm knocked down his nest from the top of a 40 foot pine tree.  Our feathered friend did have…

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An ounce of prevention is worth…

Everything.   As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but when you stop and think about it, how can you put a price on good health?  A happy, healthy life is truly priceless. One of our guiding principles at Den Herder Veterinary Hospital is prevention.  We feel strongly the…

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We Have Cute and Not so Cute

    One of the great things about our office is the fun variety of critters we have come through our door.  We get cute things like this Flemish Giant rabbit (see left).  This guy runs about 10 pounds, but they can get much bigger than that.  We also have him next to a dwarf…

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Bald Eagle Visits the Hospital

While the pictures may appear majestic and proud, this is actually a bittersweet posting. The Iowa DNR recently brought in a Bald Eagle for Dr. Cherney to treat.  He was found weak and unable to fly near Grundy Center.  Upon exam, Lori could not find any visible damage, any broken bones or scrapes. We were…

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Breed Specific Health Information for your Dog

We have a nice catalog of breed specific health information based on characteristics unique to many breeds.  We also have listings for those “Heinz 57” mixed breed varieties of pups and those are based on the size of the dog.  Below is a list of the breeds we have (in alphabetical order).  If you have…

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What happens when your pet has surgery?

Before Pet Surgery We have food and water restrictions for your pet before surgery. Do not give your pet any food after 6 p.m. the night before surgery. No water after 10 p.m. Give nothing the morning of surgery. Please bring your pet to us by 7:30 a.m. the day of surgery. At that time…

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