Every Day Should Be Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day, we would like to highlight a very special organization right here in the Cedar Valley that is making a difference in the lives of soldiers, both 2 and 4 legged. Retrieving Freedom is a non-profit group that trains service dogs to assist veterans. They are based in two locations, one being right here in Waverly, Iowa. Scott Dewey is one of the co-founders and has been featured in the local news if his name sounds familiar.
Retrieving Freedom selects the best dogs possible for working with veterans and most often the breeds are Golden Retrievers or Labrador Retrievers (hence Retrieving Freedom’s name!) These service dogs can be a real lifeline for veterans whether it is providing assistance with daily living tasks or helping to calm and comfort from PTSD triggers. Even something as simple as the dog’s need to go outside can be a help in getting the veteran up, moving, and caring for another creature—all of which helps with his or her own healing.
Training these service dogs is a lengthy and costly process. It may take up to 2 years and over $25,000 to fully train and place a service dog. There is a tremendous need for more of these dogs to help our veterans. We would love it if you read more about Retrieving Freedom and the profoundly important work they do. Then spread the word.
If the work they do for veterans isn’t enough, they also train service dogs for children who have autism. Those touching stories are endless as well.
This graphic from www.servicedogtag.com has some good info we thought.