Getting Rid of Fleas
Why is getting rid of fleas such a chore? The flea life cycle. You aren’t just dealing with the adult flea…you have to deal with their eggs (hundreds of them), which turn into larvae, which turn into pupae. Understanding what to do to remove each stage of the flea life cycle helps. Remember to treat…
Are You at Risk for Getting a Tickborne Disease?
Names like Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever aren’t always on the tip of the tongue. They should be. Tickborne diseases are on the rise for both humans and pets. We are also seeing high numbers of ticks this year. We want you to be aware of the facts and to minimize…
Why Is My Dog Scratching?
That can be the $64,000 question for pet owners and veterinarians alike. Dog Scratching? 4 Common Itch Factors Is it fleas or mange (yikes!)? Fortunately, both are treatable. If you think your dog has fleas, you need to treat both the dog and the environment. Is it a food allergy? Pets can have food sensitivities…
O.M.G. Is That a Flea?
Does My Dog Have Fleas? We certainly hope your dog or cat does not have fleas, but how can you tell? Finding adult fleas is harder than you think. They are quite small, only 1/8” or so, about the size of a grain of rice. Fleas are dark reddish-brown with long legs and no wings….
How to Trim Your Dog’s Nails
Know When to Stop To trim your dog’s nails can be as easy as trimming your own. If you cut to the quick, you will bleed. We don’t like a nail cut too short and neither does your dog. You can click the pictures below to clearly see where you should avoid when nail trimming….
Tooth Brushing 101
The Straight Scoop on Tooth Brushing Don’t laugh. Don’t roll your eyes. You need to brush your pet’s teeth! Regular tooth brushing helps keep mouth odor down. You wouldn’t go for years without brushing your teeth and neither should your pet. Regular tooth brushing at home should become routine for you and your pet. A…
Help–My Dog Is Eating Poop!
If you’ve ever owned a dog, you may have encountered this lovely little quirk. The technical term is coprophagia, or the eating of feces. Some dogs have an extreme love of this forbidden fruit: their own, from another dog, from the cat (extra special), or from rabbits (gourmet treat). Given that this is a fairly…
When Human and Veterinary Medicine Connect
In the March 2015 issue of the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Update (monthly newsletter), there was an interesting piece about the Patterson family from Des Moines, Iowa. They have not one, but two family members diagnosed with Lyme disease. That may not sound intriguing, but one of the family members is their black Lab, Lady….
Confused About Your Pet’s Blood Work?
When Blood Work Makes Sense Before surgery When your pet is sick Establish a baseline “normal” for your pet’s blood work before the Golden Years Routine monitoring of health problems or long-term medication use Keep a close eye on overall health as your pet ages What Are We Checking? How are those internal organs doing?…
Saying Goodbye: End of Life Concerns
This is by far the hardest and most emotional part of being a pet owner. And we are right there with you–it is the hardest part of our jobs, too. We are all pet lovers and truly feel your pain when this time comes. The end of life can be a sad time, a confusing…