Started at Den Herder Vet: 2008
Where are you from: Raymond, Iowa
Family: 2 grown children, 4 grandchildren
Past Pets: Spot and Sully, French Bulldogs (most recent)
Current Pets: None
One Piece of Pet Related Advice: Never take the love of a good dog for granted.
Afraid of any animals? Horses. The size alone takes me back a few steps.
The farthest away from Waterloo I’ve ever been? Disney World in Florida
What do you do for the DHVH Team?
I groom and give all pets the best “Spaaaaaa Day” Ever!
What’s something about yourself that might surprise others?
I like to play with kids. They have an unbiased joy regarding life and people.
What’s something new you’ve learned recently?
Try to move on from the bad things in life. And don’t forget to forgive!
You can contact Deb at our main office number, 232-5292, for all your grooming needs. Thanks, Deb, for the great job you do and what you bring to our clients!