pet food
Are You Making These 4 Pet Food Mistakes?
Mistake #1: Emptying Pet Food into a Plastic Tub Where do most of us dump that big bag of pet food when we get home from the store? A plastic tub, of course! You need to know pet food bags are ideal for long-term storage. The original bag will not impart a flavor or leave…
IAMS Veterinary Diets to Be Discontinued
Mars Petcare, who owns IAMS brand pet food, is discontinuing their line of veterinary prescription pet foods. This is only for prescription diets. The over-the-counter pet foods made by IAMS are still in production. The discontinuation applies to both dog and cat food. IAMS Veterinary Diets We Carry: Intestinal Plus/ Low Residue Renal Plus Urinary-S…
Is People Food Always Bad For My Pet?
We get great questions about using people food as treats for dogs. Most owners know not to give high fat treats, so they turn to foods that are healthy for humans like fruits and vegetables or lean, grilled chicken breast. And many pet owners are on the right track with this line of thinking, but…
How Much Does Your Pet Eat?
Here’s A Handy Formula The rule of thumb for how much food your pet will eat in a month is: 1/2 its body weight Examples A 20 pound dog = 10 pounds of food each month. And 120 pounds in a year. A 10 pound cat = 5 pounds of food each month. And 60…
Don’t Get Ripped Off In The Pet Food Aisle
Pet food is expensive. Understatement of the century, right? But what are you spending your money on? Marketing hype or truly good nutrition for your pet? Before you buy another bag of dog or cat food, understand these pet food definitions. Be Objective Companies trying to sell a product know us better than we know…
Clean Bowl Challenge
Are You Ready? It’s important to use clean bowls for your pet’s food and water each day. Why? Germs, for starters. Do you use the same dish for your breakfast, lunch and dinner without washing it? Still not convinced? Remind yourself with this article. The Clean Bowl Challenge Take a before and after picture of…
Pet Food and Nutrition
Pet Food and Nutrition Talking about pet food and nutrition is like opening up a can of worms. Just because the topic is difficult or has uncomfortable answers doesn’t mean we should ignore it. On the contrary–we need to have a continual conversation–pet owner to veterinarian and vet to owner. Your pet is welcome to…