Pet Quality of Life Concerns
What Is Her Quality of Life? This is the biggest question. Ask it weekly. Daily. Even hourly. You know your pet the best. Trust in that. Near the end, you should talk more frequently with your vet. Even about the tough stuff. Ask questions and keep asking. This is a vulnerable time for you and…
Senior Pet Care
Changes and Challenges The first year and last year of a pet’s life are often the most challenging. And the most expensive. We want to help you think about the senior pet care issues you might face. We don’t want to overwhelm or depress anyone. Being open and realistic might avoid surprises about the emotional,…
A Christmas Note From Tom Taylor, DVM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Christmas notes always seem to have pictures of family, so here is one of mine. This is our youngest son, Wes, and our dogs Chloe and Jade. The bond these three have is incredible. I know you all get what that means–you have the same with your pets. And…
Holiday Gift Ideas From Den Herder Vet’s Pets
Need some last minute holiday pet gifts? How about for the pet lover in your life? Holiday pet gifts don’t have to break the bank. And the best thing about them? You can give the same thing they got last year. Or for their birthday. Or Valentine’s Day. Charity, one of our Certified Veterinary Technicians,…
Jerry Den Herder – One Year Later
“Hello! This is Jerry Den Herder calling, just checking in on Sam.” “How’s our puppy doin’?” “I’m tickled pink to hear that. You keep me posted!” “Super. Excellent. Wonderful.” It’s been one year since we’ve heard those words. Words spoken at lightning speed. Words spoken with passion, wisdom, and gentleness. On December 8, 2016, Jerry…
Local Dog With Unusual Heart Problem
We had an unusual case come through the hospital recently. Unusual in that we don’t see dogs with heart block very often and unusual because of the medical technology involved. Meet Sadie Sadie is a 9 year old German Shepard mix. She stopped being her usual active self. She was lethargic to the point where…
Why Is My Dog Scratching?
That can be the $64,000 question for pet owners and veterinarians alike. Dog Scratching? 4 Common Itch Factors Is it fleas or mange (yikes!)? Fortunately, both are treatable. If you think your dog has fleas, you need to treat both the dog and the environment. Is it a food allergy? Pets can have food sensitivities…
O.M.G. Is That a Flea?
Does My Dog Have Fleas? We certainly hope your dog or cat does not have fleas, but how can you tell? Finding adult fleas is harder than you think. They are quite small, only 1/8” or so, about the size of a grain of rice. Fleas are dark reddish-brown with long legs and no wings….
Doggie Dip Tips
This time of year marks the end-of-summer ritual when the area swimming pools close (sniff, sniff) for the season. Many pools open their doors for some canine craziness called a Doggie Dip. Here’s a few things to consider before you release the hounds into the water.