About DHVH
A Pelican Drops By to Say Hello
Injured Pelican A pelican was caught in duck decoy wires in the waters around the Quaker Oats plant in Cedar Rapids. Hunters were able to cut him out of the lines and off he flew. When the men noticed he was still in the decoy area several weeks later, they investigated. The pelican still…
Feeding the Pigeons
Meet Squabby. He (she?) is a baby pigeon found on the floor of a large warehouse. A Good Samaritan employee called Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project and now the pigeon is in the safe hands of a licensed wildlife rehabber. Squabby is about 2 weeks old and doing quite well. He eats a special diet…
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Take Your Cat to the Vet
There are a multitude of reasons why you should take your cat to the vet: a physical exam, the EKG, perhaps routine blood work, vaccinations or to check for parasites in the stool. Need more convincing? Here’s a good synopsis. Why You Don’t Take Your Cat to the Vet 1. He Looks Fine I…
Look What We Have Here!
What Do You Think This Is? Woodchuck? Groundhog? Some other rodent-like thing that will dig up your garden? Drumroll…. Interesting fact, the groundhog of shadow seeking fame and the woodchuck of wood chucking fame are the same critter! They are also known as whistle pigs (our guy has more of a cry than a…
The One And Only Kenzie
I’ve needed to share this story for some time now. This took an hour to write, but over a year to start. In the end, it felt good. I’d encourage anyone to write a tribute piece to their pet. We’d love to read them, too. ~Tom Taylor, DVM The Journey Begins It was the weekend…
Desperate Housecats Adoption Event
Please join Waverly Pet Rescue the weekend of May 13-15, 2016 at PetSmart in Waterloo. Over 50 cats (plus bunnies and dogs) will be available for adoption during their Desperate Housecats Adoption Event! Hours are Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m….
Blanding’s Turtle Make Over
Pieces, Parts, and Picture Hangers Meet Sumner. He is a Blanding’s Turtle who was hit by a car in Fayette County on April 27th. A Good Samaritan called the injury into Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project and the Blanding’s turtle was transported to our office. He was missing a sizeable portion of his shell. Dr….
New Online Pharmacy
Online Pharmacy 101 You can order just about anything online these days. Now add your pet’s medicine and food to that list with our new online pharmacy! We are pleased to be partners with Vets First Choice, a leading veterinarian-only online pharmacy. Vets First Choice is a company we trust. They offer the same products…
Welcome Aboard!
Our two new team members can be a bit flighty, but are certainly full of song. Most of the time they don’t make a peep. We are pleased to introduce Captain Blackbeak (in the front) and his faithful companion, Calypso (towards the back). These two are Society Finches and just under a year old. PetSmart…